My Tog Blog About Awesome Content Creation
Do you love content creation? Me too! So come hang out with my guests and me as we talk about all things content creation! We'll share our thoughts and best tips about the content creation process, content creator life, and social media tips, tools, and strategies in interviews, vlogs, reviews, and more! The main platforms discussed include podcasting, YouTube, Instagram, and the X App.
My Tog Blog About Awesome Content Creation
Your Channel Homepage is Costing You Views on YouTube!
Improving your channel's homepage is one of the best things you can invest time in as a beginner Youtuber. That's the page many viewers will visit if they're interested in seeing more of your content and/or considering subscribing to your channel.
Unfortunately, setting up the homepage is usually one of the first things we do when launching a new channel. And at that stage, we may not have a great sense of what the channel will be about or be very good at creating homepages. As a result, our mistakes may cause viewers to leave without watching more videos or subscribing, negatively affecting our channel's growth potential.
The good news is that we can fix things by revisiting the key areas that significantly impact the viewer experience and channel optimization. In this episode, we'll cover three such areas: the channel banner, the About page, and the section headers.
Thanks for listening! Do you have a comment or question about a topic or episode? I'd love to hear that. Feel free to contact me via Instagram, LinkedIn, or the Contact Us page. You can also check out these links for resources and merch for content creators.