My Tog Blog About Awesome Content Creation

Don't Do This as a Content Creator in 2023; Do This Instead!

Tim (Mytogblog) Season 1 Episode 9
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00:00 | 07:59

Oftentimes, we can learn the most from our mistakes. But this only happens if we're willing and able to recognize what these are and look at the causes, consequences, and potential solutions with an open mind.

It can be a tough process, but it's one that's critical to our long-term success as content creators and entrepreneurs. So in this episode, I look at two of the major mistakes I made with my overall social media strategy in 2022 and discuss how I'm looking to correct those in 2023.

I think this is going to have a positive impact on my results for this coming year, and I hope it can be helpful to you as well!

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